Jobs That Fit

I'm in my third year and my next step after college is getting a job. These are the workplaces in which, i believe, will perfectly fit me, my dream jobs, my molds.


Lowe Worldwide
I have a big passion for art especially the commercial one, the one that could move people to do what it say. This, London-based international creative advertising agency, has it. Notice those "got milk?" campaign's print ads? Ones with those Hollywood so-called stars in them. Lowe made them. Here is also a funny TV ad they made.

Konami, Inc
It's a video game company famous for its Winning Eleven and Metal Gear. I love video games and Metal Gear Solid series is one of my top games of all time. I love them so i wanna make them, simple.

Google, Inc
Everything is google today. Looking for a guide to make your own tie-dyed tees ? google it. It even has become a verb for god's sake. Another thing that make me want it so bad to work there is its office, the google campus. Look at these, it's the one in zurich.


In 2 years, i have to be in either one of them. This is my fantasy for now. Ciao


Anïnditá said...

i'll make my own list aaaaah~

Davin said...

inspiratif emang gwa

Anonymous said...

i just finished a presentation for google in human resource management.
check here,
thousands of applicants for one position everyday; its truly tough to enter google :S